Save time and effort.
Get back to the kids.

Unlike other solutions, is an all-in-one, time saving system designed specifically for managing your Conference, Associations and Teams.

How much is your time worth?

You and your volunteers work full-time jobs to support your families – then you invest valuable time in the evening and weekends for your kids, volunteering! Although it is a labor of love, it’s another “full-time” job. was designed/developed by a former conference board member and association president to reduce the time his volunteers needed to invest in the day-to-day work flow.

See what the testimonials are saying…THEY KNOW! Many have been involved in youth football and cheer for over 20 years! And they would NEVER go back to your method of managing your conference/association or creating team books!


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Phone: Email:
Feature rich management platform that saves time!

Feature rich management platform that saves time!

The All-In-One Solution To:

Add/Manage Associations

Conferences are made up of participating associations. The ability to add new associations quickly and easily is paramount. Conference Presidents/Board Members can do this in a matter of seconds making conference growth simple and easy!

Create Team Levels

Conferences are allowed to offer different levels for both football and Cheer (football can be 5U-14U and cheer can be 5U-16U). Your conference will be able to decide what age groups they would like to offer in order to create balanced schedules.

Create/Edit Game Schedules allows Conferences to create your game schedules for the entire season in seconds at the click of a button.

Add/Edit Divisions

For large conferences, you can easily add divisions to play in and across so that your scheduler will take that into account when you use the schedule option.

Print Association Badges allows you to print picture badges for volunteers after they have completed the required course for their specific volunteer roles and have passed their background check, allowing them access to games and events based on their volunteer role.

Approved Code of Conduct

Each team book requires the parents to have acknowledged and signed a code of conduct for the conference that must be included in each athlete’s section of the team book. Import/Upload the Code of Conduct Document to be viewed by all volunteers and athletes right on the site!

Manage Conference Volunteers

As a conference leader, you do not want just “anyone” sitting on the conference board. The system allows conference Board Members to approve or deny the request of any person applying for a board position and communicates the decision automatically.

Add/Edit Conference Logo

This logo is used on the homepage of the conference and member associations as well as access gives you the capability to upload your conference’s official logo.

Create Custom Welcome Landing Page comes with a standard welcome page that can be customized by a conference board member. This welcome page will be the landing page for all conference and association members that log in to the system.

Event Scheduling

Every conference has the ability to create a calendar that is distributed to their conference and association presidents. The event scheduler provides a powerful tool for conference scheduling and instant notification of schedule changes to all conference Board Members and association presidents via text and email.

Message Center

Still using GroupMe or cell phone message groups? The message center is a comprehensive communication system that allows Board Members and association presidents to send texts and emails to on another to stay informed of last-minute changes and other important notifications. The system sends out a reminder communication the day before each event occurs.

Click one of the bullet points to get started learning more about how we help you with
Conference Management

Manage Your Entire Association With
One User-Friendly Solution!

Manage Your Entire Association With
One User-Friendly Solution!

Add/Manage Volunteers

Parents/Guardians and other system Users are encouraged to volunteer for a role within the association. Some roles require online courses to be competed in order to fulfill the volunteer obligation. For more information on how we help with these volunteer requests, click Manage Association Volunteer Requests below.

Select Association Team Levels allows users to select the team levels their associations will offer out of the levels that the conference is offering for member associations.

Manage Athlete Counts gives you the ability to manage the counts of each team level (up to the max of 36) to ensure that you have the correct required number of athletes for both football and cheer.

Manage Association Volunteer Requests

At the association level, some volunteers work with children and all must go through a background check. After volunteer requests are approved by an association board member, provides links for all courses that must be completed. Association Board Members can easily approve or deny the volunteer requests that are submitted by users.

Add Game Fields and Locations

When schedules are published to the associations, home and away games are outlined in the schedule. provides association Board Members the ability to add the location of their home field and include simple directions on how to get there.

Financials Tool

With the Financials Tool, easily track sign-up fees, refunds, sponsorship payments and more! Automated notifications of outstanding/unpaid fees or balances help reduce the time it takes to collect. Automated 501(c)3 emails are sent out to all sponsors.

Event Scheduling

Every association has the ability to create a calendar that is distributed out to all association members. The event scheduler provides a powerful tool for association scheduling and instant notification of schedule changes to all association members via text and email.

Message Center

Still using GroupMe or cell phone message groups? The message center is a comprehensive communication system that allows association members to send texts and emails to one another to stay informed of last-minute changes and other important notices. The system sends out a reminder communication the day before each event occurs.

Reminder of Volunteer Courses

At the click of a button Association Board members send out reminders to volunteers on courses they must complete to be allowed to fulfill - no more phone calls!

New Season Sign Ups

After the first year of using association board members at the click of a button can send out text/emails to parents of all players eligible to return for the upcoming season. As parents sign their player up the they are removed from the list of notifications.

Click one of the bullet points to get started learning more about how we help you with
Association Management

Manage Team/Player Information Easily!

Manage Team/Player Information Easily!

Team Listing

Team listing shows all of the teams available in your association. By selecting a specific team level, team listing will show all athletes that are on that team. It allows the Team Coaches, Team Moms and Board Members access to view each individual athlete.

Uniform Information Entry

Only Team Coaches, Team Moms, or Board Members can assign player numbers and/or uniform sizes. This is done under Team Listing.

Uniform Order Sheet provides a wonderful tool to order your team uniforms at the click of a button.

Message Center

Still using GroupMe or cell phone message groups? Team Coaches and Team Moms can communicate quickly and easily with all or any of their team members via text and email.

Print Team Books

All teams must have a team book for game day check-ins. This book consists of all the required documentation and coaches certifications. Team Coaches, Team Moms, and Board Members have access to quickly print all of the documents to assemble the team books.

Click one of the bullet points to get started learning more about how we help you manage
Team and Player information.

Athlete Sign-Up & User Account Creation, Simplified!

Athlete Sign-Up & User Account Creation, Simplified!

User/Parent Account Creation

A very simple to use entry system that enables the parents/guardians to create a member account that will be used to sign up their children for participation in football and cheer.

Add/Manage Athlete Sign-Ups allows parents/guardians to add their athlete directly into the site to be used for book printing. Uploading your athlete’s picture for the player card is fast and simple. All information input is used to complete the required team book documents. Edits can be made quickly and easily via mobile devices for last minute changes when needed.

Volunteer Application

Users/Parents can apply for Volunteer Positions to help their association with coaching, ticket sales, and other positions necessary to make their association run smoothly!

Message Center

Parents/Guardians can communicate quickly and easily with any and all of their Coaches and Team Moms as well as team members via text and email.

Click one of the bullet points to get started learning more about how we help you manage
Athlete and User information.

For more information, please contact:

Mark Broughton


Already using

Click here to go to the site!

What Our Users Are Saying...

Janet Johnson
Janet Johnson
Metro Maryland United Athletic Conference
"This made it so much easier for MMUAC to manage data and track compliance, and it was the key to assisting our associations in the most efficient way, especially with our location dynamics. We were able to save so much time with printing books and verifying association compliance which helped reduce errors.
One of my favorite features is where the parent is able to gain access from their phone on the field and can either register or make corrections in the blink of an eye. We can’t wait for the enhancements that are coming in the future!"
Arthur Johnson
Arthur Johnson
Conference President
Florida-Georgia Football Alliance
"For years my associations have been complaining about the amount of paperwork that had to be filled out as well as having to make extra copies of forms that parents lost or misplaced. Using the YFC Huddle Up software has changed how all our associations view the paperwork process. It has made sign ups easy for parents, and monitoring activity easier for associations.
From sign-ups, to ease of corrections, to financials, it gave our conference (Florida/Georgia Football Alliance) the ability to view what each association was doing with the click of a button. With hours spent in the past on making a schedule, the help of the YFC Huddle Up software generated a schedule in a minute. All I had to do was put in dates and the schedule was created. Love to see what additions will be added in the future."
Leon Solomon
Leon Solomon
Yulee Athletic Association
"This website has been a game-changer for our youth football association! Not only does it make registration a breeze for parents, but it also simplifies the entire process of organizing and generating team books.
All the required paperwork is collected and compiled seamlessly, saving us countless hours of manual work. The platform is incredibly efficient, allowing us to focus more on the players and less on administration. It's a must-have tool for any football association looking to streamline their operations!"
Eddie Collingwood
Eddie Collingwood
Baker County Wildcats
"With the introduction of the new website, it has been a game changer for our youth football and cheer program. Not only does it make registration easy for parents, but it also simplifies the entire process of organizing and generating team books. The site lets you see the kids' numbers and uniform sizes without having to click on each athlete and see which athlete has been completed in the system with color coding (green meaning it’s been completed, red meaning something is missed). It also allows you to hover over each athlete and tells you what is missing.
This system will allow you to track your registration fee payments and will notify the ones that still need to pay the registration fee. With this new system it has saved countless hours of behind the scenes work for myself and the other board members."
Paulie McClain
Paulie McClain
President & 10u Head Football Coach
Alachua Raider Organization
"I would like to just let you know how pleased I, Paulie McClain along with my Alachua Raider organization is with the YFC Huddle Up website. It was really user friendly and the new added features really rocked!!! Not just the website but Mark the IT guy was awesome. Anytime I had a question he was there to assist. Mark, I just wanted to let you know that it's been great working with you."